Discover a Hopeful Future for Your Church


Is Your Church in Plateau or Decline?

Many church leaders today are feeling stuck. Attendance is down. Giving is down. Volunteers aren’t stepping up to the plate. Leaders who once felt empowered now feel puzzled, wondering why they aren’t connecting with their community like they used to. Instead of going backwards, you and your leadership team can partner with God in discerning a new way forward for your church.

Become a Revitalizing Leader in Your Church

Understand Your Church Health

Get a clear view of where you are now by taking the free How Healthy Is My Church quiz. We will follow up with you to help you gain further clarity about hidden areas of unhealth that are stunting your church’s vitality.

Gain Insight From a Caring Guide

You are not alone in this journey. When you work with Cyclical Full Circle, we pair you up with a guide who understands your story, understands missional frameworks for experimentation, and can join you as you chart a new path. 

Discover Innovative Pathways

By bringing together your leaders and discerning the Holy Spirit, you can begin experimenting your way forward. Whether it’s revitalization, replanting, merging, or disciple-making, there are new paths forward that you can discover with your church.

You're Not Alone

Most of the pastors and leadership teams we talk with are having a hard time discerning what God is doing to revitalize their churches. Too often, they blame themselves or others for the rut they feel they’re in. 

The truth is we’ve all been there. We are tired of experts, formulas, and step by step protocols to get more members in the door. That’s why we formed Cyclical Full Circle: to join churches like yours in seeking pathways to health and vitality. As we guide churches, we discover ways to faithfully innovate forward. We use the word faithfully because we honor the stories that have come before us. And use the word innovate because we know we need to shrewdly adapt to shifting contexts. 

Throughout the journey, some churches are relieved to discover that it’s time to close the doors and release resources for Kingdom purposes they can be proud of. And some churches discern a path to revitalize their church and discover God afresh in their community. Whatever the path we discern together, our goal is to join with you in creating tomorrow’s church today.

-Rob Douglas, Founder of Cyclical Full Circle

“Never in this world have I seen anything more compromised, more false [than the Church], yet never have I touched anything more pure, more generous, or more beautiful. Countless times I have felt like slamming the door of my soul in Your face – and yet, every night I have prayed that I might die in Your sure arms.”
Carlo Carretto

How to Lead Your Church Out Of Decline

The Full Circle Church Assessment is designed to transform declining and plateaued churches into churches that are actively moving out of decline. In six months, you will understand your church’s strengths and weaknesses, discern the Holy Spirit with your team, and get a custom 12 month step-by-step plan for moving out of decline.


Take a Quiz

In order to define reality for your church, your leadership needs clarity and language to talk about the health of your church. We facilitate a leadership-wide 7-point group assessment of your church and help you process the results in community.

Take the How Healthy Is My Church? Quiz here.


Assess Your Pathway

In order to define reality for your church, your leadership needs clarity and language to talk about the health of your church. A certified Cyclical Full Circle Guide will meet with your team twice over the course of 2 months to help your team process your quiz results, listen to God’s call and chart a clear pathway forward.


Lead Out of Decline

With a custom step-by-step plan for your church, your team will have clarity to move forward. Guides are also available to coach and consult with you to ensure your team doesn’t get side-tracked, but continues on the path out of decline.

"Your congregation is at an inflection point. Regardless of its affiliation, size and location, these times have helped us all realize that we cannot afford to spend our time, energy, and resources in ministry as it once was. Cyclical Full Circle will give you tools to face your realities while helping your leaders recapture a sense of joyful participation in God's transforming action. Their work will help you change the trajectory of your church!"
Juan Sarmiento
Executive Presbyter, San Fernando Presbytery


How Healthy Is My Church?

  • Discover your results in 7 key categories of church health
  • Download the eBook to discover some of your church’s hidden areas of unhealth
  • Get guidance on how to lead your church into greater health in each of the 7 categories

Contact Cyclical Full Circle

Ready to lead faithful innovation at your church? Although your church might feel like it’s stuck, there are a variety of ways that you can promote health and vitality. 

Cyclical Full Circle is ready to join you in discerning the Holy Spirit and experimenting forward, no matter the age of your church or how stuck you feel you are. 

To inquire about cohorts, the book, or coaching/consultation, or anything else you’d like to contact us about, please use the form here.