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How To Develop a Vision Statement for Your Church

3 Steps to Guide Your Church in Discovering God's Mission

This PDF is designed for pastors and church leaders who want to renew the vision, mission, and direction of their church. This eBook will offer you 3 simple steps to guid your team in avoiding gridlock and revitalizing your church.

  • Gain insight into the vision towards which God is leading your church
  • Discover the easiest ways to collaborate with your elders in finding a vision statement you all believe in
  • Create a framework for what makes a strong vision statement, and what makes a weak vision statement
  • Avoid the most common problems with developing new vision statements

If you are a pastor, elder, or church leader, this eBook will help you overcome the confusion and create a clear vision that your whole community will want to join.

"A good vision describes a future state that does not yet exist, one that is so compelling that people are willing to make sacrifices to advance that vision."
Rob Douglas
Director of Cyclical Full Circle
How to Develop a Vision Statement for Your Church PDF

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Most Churches Are In Plateau and Decline

Cyclical Full Circle Helps Churches Discover New Pathways Forward

Most of the pastors and leadership teams we talk with are having a hard time discerning what God is doing to revitalize their churches. Too often, they blame themselves or others for the rut they feel they’re in. 

The truth is we’ve all been there. We are tired of experts, formulas, and step by step protocols to get more members in the door. That’s why we formed Cyclical Full Circle: to join churches like yours in seeking pathways to health and vitality. As we guide churches, we discover ways to faithfully innovate forward. 

The journey starts with listening to God, listening to each other, and creating spaces of discernment where we can experience the fullness of the church God has called us to be.


Rob Douglas
Founder of Cyclical Full Circle

What You'll Get from the PDF

Plans for 3 Meetings with Your Leadership Team

In order to discover a new vision statement, we recommend 3 distinct meetings with your leadership team. This PDF will give you a plan for each of these meetings that will help you make the most of your time and land on a vision statement that energizes and revitalizes your church.

Questions for Collaboration

Each of your team members has valuable ideas for the new vision of the church. We hand you sample questions to help elicit these ideas so that your team gets all of their valuable input on the table

Implementation Plan

A vision statement will do nothing for your church if it is not implemented. Too often, churches go through a visioning process and let the statement gather dust. We’ll give you ideas for how to make sure your whole church believes in, joins, and sacrifices for the vision of your church.